You’ve been asking for it, we’ve been working on it, and in August the time has finally come!
We’re excited to announce that a full migration from the outdated Legacy User Area to Spreadshirt’s enhanced Partner Area will finally be a reality. All Partners currently operating in the Legacy User Area will be migrated to the upgraded Partner Area in the coming weeks.Our number one goal is to provide our Partners with a fast, simple, and stable platform, allowing them to reach their sales goals in the easiest and most enjoyable way possible. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the ways the Partner Area stands head and shoulders above the outdated and obsolete Legacy User Area:
Time-Saving Upgrades
- Enjoy the Partner Area’s drastically-improved speed and usability
- Fly through time-consuming tasks with bulk-action functionalities
- Publish to Shops and the Marketplace simultaneously
- Upload Marketplace designs to all international platforms with one click
- Save valuable time and effort with the design template feature
- Create multiple products simultaneously, saving you tons of time
Navigation Enhancements
- Navigate with ease thanks to an optimized layout
- Categorize your designs with simple Shop Topics
- Upload larger files thanks to a 1,000% increase in upload-volume capabilities
- Benefit from constant developer updates, keeping the platform fast and bug-free

Features That Help Drive Sales
- Target your sales and strategies in a more intelligent way with in-depth statistics
- See exactly where your money is coming from with precise commission data
- Unlock an entirely new revenue stream with the ability to create and sell posters (not available in the Legacy User Area)

The video below provides a comprehensive walkthrough of all the advantages you’ll experience in the Partner Area:
Is there anything else I need to know?
Aside from the numerous advantages listed above, we’re bidding farewell to some of the Legacy User Area’s older and clunkier functions, features, and assets. This means different things for both Shop Owners and Marketplace Designers. Please click the respective buttons at the bottom of this blogpost to explore those specific changes.
OK, so what now?
You will be migrated in August. More detailed information will be provided in the red info box in the legacy user area – so check this space out. When your migration date comes, just sit back and relax; you’ll automatically be moved over to the Partner Area. Simply log in as normal, click around, experience the great new features and functions, and make yourself at home. You’ll be saying, “What Legacy User Area?” in no time!

We are delighted to provide all Spreadshirt Partners with what we believe to be a better, faster platform that will continue to grow and improve over time.
We’ll do our best to make you feel comfortable in your new home. If you still have questions after reading through all of the information provided, please reach out in the comments, on our forum, or via email.
We’re thrilled to announce that we’re transitioning from the outdated Legacy User Area to Spreadshirt’s enhanced Partner Area. This upgrade aims to offer our partners a faster, simpler, and more stable platform, making it easier and more enjoyable for them to achieve their sales targets. To ensure the success of this transition, we recommend employing website usability testing services to gather feedback and optimize the Partner Area for an enhanced user experience.
Hold up. I been a member since 2006 so you mean to tell me my designs from 06-15 will be deleted?!? This is crazy. There isn’t even an sorting option that shows you the dates I’ve uploaded my designs to figure out which ones I should save or reupload
Hi James,
I understand your concerns.
If designs you uploaded before 01.01.2016 never sold we will delete them. If they were sold they will be migrated. Designs you uploaded after this date we keep them and they are migrated them as well into the new partner area.
For further and specific question I suggest you contact our partner service to get an overview of how many design are potetially affected.
Why does the timeline keep getting pushed out. Very frustrating when I’ve been waiting months to upload new designs. I have like 2000+ designs to upload and every month I think I’m getting close to migration it gets pushed out further.
Hi Jared,
I understand that this can be frustrating. We are migrating country per country.
Since this is one huge project we do this very carefully. Should error occur we have the opportunity to intervene and correct them before we proceed to the next country. For some countries this process tooks longer and also this was not predictable.
I ask you to be patient we will migrate you and let you know prior by our newsletter.
Sorry if this was answered already, but question on links. On products and designs that will be migrated, will their links stay the same or will there be a new url structure?
I have had sales consistently since I began using Spreadshirt, not many, but some each month. However, that stopped abruptly on May 18, 2019 around the same time I started hearing about this new Partner area change. I have created quite a few new designs, some I have uploaded, most I have not, because I’m still not selling anything and I don’t want to upload anymore until we are pulled into the new program in August. I am hoping that has something to do with this change in sales. Can you tell me what has changed? It’s as though I suddenly became invisible.
Hi Sandra,
there was no change on our side. There could be numerous reasons why sales stopped.
If you got specific question around your designs I would like to invite you to our forum
Other than that the whole upload and publishing process gets so easy with the new partner area. 🙂
Are we able to download our original (SVG) images before you remove them? I’ve tried using the Download link, but it’s low rez PNGs! I have designs uploaded from years ago and I’ve lost the original PSD/Illustrator files.
Thanks Alex for your reply concerning the migration of designs. I have not had much success selling on Spreadshirt but I will try to stay with Spreadhirt because I appreciate everything that you all do. I have a question: Can you give me information on Spreadshirt shop owners or designers who have been very successful in their sales? I’d really appreciate any help.
Hi Joe,
the best tips for selling either shop or on our marketplace you´ll find in our blog. Subscribe to our newsletters for partners as well. You find all kinds of tips that´ll help you to be more successful from product creation to marketing tips.
Successful shop owners and marketplace designer we feature in our blog as Shop of the Month or Designer of Month.
Upon migration, the Legacy User Area will no longer be accessible. <<< What does that statement mean? What is the "Legacy User Area"? Is that where I see if I have had sales etc?
Hi Brenda,
please have a look at our FAQs article about the Legacy User Area and the Partner Area.
I hope this helps.
Where do I go to see my sales reports? I am showing zero sales for quite a while in the Legacy area and that’s unusual. So do I see my sales some other place now? And if so, where do I find that at?
Hi Brenda,
you´ll find your sales in the sales statistics in you Legacy User Area. What time frame are you talking about, that I could check?
You said designs uploaded since uploaded since 1.1.2016 will be migrated. What about older designs? Am I going to loose them and have to re-upload?!
Hi Joe,
I know this might be a little confusing, sorry about that. But I hope to give you some clarity about it.
First of all it depends on if you sell on the marketplace or sell through a shop. Please have a look into the respective blog posts for Marketplace Designer and Shop Owner.
If you are a Marketplace Designer and your designs uploaded before 1.1.2016 and haven´t sold since those designs will not be migrated to the new partner area and you won´t have any access to them once your account is migrated.
Of course you can upload those designs again to your new partner area but if they haven´t sold over the last 3 years chances are small to sell them.
I’m already waiting for almost 2 months since I read the notification to upload new designs. Now I don’t know whenever it’s done. Should I upload my tons of designs now?
As you can see from the timeline you’ll be migrated sometime in June. So we suggest you wait until you’re migrated. Of course if you do not want to wait then you can also upload your new designs (it would just mean tons of more work for you since the upload process in the partner area is so much more smooth than the outdated upload process in the legacy user area).
How do we download and save designs prior to 2016?
It’s sad that you’re like the third person asking this very important question and the Spreadshirt team is ignoring them.
If you guys are going to do something so wreckless the least you can do is provide an export function , maybe allowing us to download our original content from an ftp location or download them as a collection of zip files.
Hi David,
you may contact my colleagues from service they can tell you about designs which are getting migrated and which not.
Unfortunatly we can not offer a download functionallity for all your designs.
Assuming that you are responsible for the storage of your designs, Spreadshirt was never meant to be a storage hub.
Stop replying and talking to these people like they owe YOU something. This is their company. THEY allow US to create things and then print them and make money off of them and call it merch for US. It is a free service that of course you can make commission off of but they dont have to do a damn thing if they dont want. YOU DO NOT OWN THIS COMPANY!!! THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT!!! BE HAPPY THAT THEY CREATED A SERVICE LIKE THIS FOR YOU TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF. THINGS CHANGE, SO WHAT!!! IM PRIOR MILITARY AND BEEN TO WAR 3 TIMES. YOU THINK I WANTED TO DO THAT?! NO!! ITS CALLED LIFE. OH WELL. LISTEN TO YOU PEOPLE. SPREADSHIRT DOESNT OWE YOU ANYTHING. GET OVER YOURSELF. THIS IS THE US AND WE HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH INDEED, BUT IGNORANCE IS TRULY BLISS. Yall get on here talking all crazy and disrespecting these people like they owe you something!!!! THEY DONT OWE YOU ANYTHING!!! GET COMPLETELY OVER YOURSELF!! SO WHAT ITS YOUR SHOP, ITS THEIR COMPANY, WHO DO YOU THINK WINS HERE??!! FOR ALL OF YALL COMPLAINING – HOLD THIS L….CRYBABIES!!!
Spreadshirt thanks so far for the awesome years up to this point, looking for plenty more.
The migration will not be complete util June 2019 in the United States. Am I reading this correctly?
Yes you are. It might even be July depending how quickly or slowly we progress with the previous countries 🙂
Will our existing designs (not on the Marketplace) still be able to be put up there?
Not sure I understand your question. All designs that have been uploaded since 1.1.2016 will be migrated and yes you’ll then still be able to upload designs. Is this answering your question?
this was a long time overdue. the tool I using right now seems little buggy anyway. I just hope this is in my fav after update 🙂 may take little learning as well to use new tool 🙂
Removing items of mine cause someone’s feelings are hurt is my gripe with you guys. This is my shop, my customers come to buy certain things.
My items do NOT have to be on your other promotional shit. This is supposed to be MY PERSONAL shop and you’re enforcing stupid hate speech rubbish?
Grow a pair.
Please refer to if you have further questions regarding the approval process of designs your publish to your Shop. We also invite you to read through our Community guidelines:
Doesn’t matter. I’m removing my shop as of tomorrow and going with another company. Upwards of 100k in sales over 2 years and you remove items of mine because someone falsely claimed to have a trademark on it. You won’t respond to my emails either. Not even a response to my lawyer. What a shame.
Hi Scott,
My colleagues at would be very happy to help you out here. Or you can also call our customer service at +1 800 381 0815 between 8am and 8pm.
is there going to be a bulk upload to marketplace feature? that’s literally the only thing I want. I have a lot of products and having to go through one by one to enter them in the marketplace is exhausting.
You will be able to upload up to 25 Designs at a time. Creating products is also a lot easier. The Video is giving a small peek of what is possible. You could also have a look at the various blog articles from the Partner Area to see what will wait for you once you are upgraded to the partner area like using the template function
that’s not what I asked. I want a bulk upload to marketplace. when i’m adding products to the marketplace, I have to go through one by one and add them to the marketplace. i’d like to be able to just bulk that process. otherwise it takes an eternity to add stuff from my store to the marketplace.
The new Partner Area offers several bulk actions like easy and fast product creation. You don´t have to create single articles anymore. You can publish one design on multiple products at a time.
again, not what I asked. when I add products from the store to the marketplace. that’s what i’m referring to.
Hi Victoria,
A bulk publishing feature isn’t available at this point.
This is good news. I only wish my shop was being upgraded before June. Thanks.
Will the new partner area include multiple designs on one item? Ie. One design on the front of the shirt different design on the back.
Hi David, I would like to introduce you to one of our recent updates to the Partner Area. Please have a look at this blog article. Is it what you had in mind?