People want information as soon as possible, and pictures tend to be more engaging than wordy articles. Therefore, as you’re looking to market your Shop, it’s important to embrace this trend and utilize image-based platforms. Pinterest can make that a reality.
Creative images have the power to capture the attention of your audience in a way that words cannot, and Pinterest makes that easier than ever. By “pinning” images, the platform allows you to increase awareness of your brand and products, generate new leads, boost sales, and guide traffic to your Shop and website. Check out our helpful tips below to see how you can start using Pinterest as the perfect tool for your brand…
Tip #1: Understand Pinterest
There’s a good chance you’re already familiar with Pinterest. The website operates more like a search engine than a social media platform (similar to Google and YouTube). Pinterest takes the functionality and engagement of social media and implements it into a search engine environment, leading to marketing and sales opportunities.
By sharing content on Pinterest, you’re inspiring and educating your audience while also driving traffic to your website. After all, one simple pin has the power to improve your brand’s visual identity, SEO, and website traffic.
Pinterest offers a lot of possibilities for your brand, and it’s plenty easy to get started. All you have to do is sign up for an account and create your first pins. Before long, you’ll be recognizing all of the benefits that accompany Pinterest.

Tip #2: Link Your Website to Every Pin
First things first, as this factor can’t be emphasized enough: whether you’re planning on pinning your designs, products or inspirational images, you won’t reap the rewards if you aren’t directing your audience anywhere. Regardless of your marketing strategy, it’s essential to include an applicable URL in each pin (whether that ultimately leads to your Shop or social media profile is up to you).
Tip #3: Share Success Stories
Customer satisfaction is essential for building a brand. Fortunately, you can use Pinterest as a clever tool to showcase social proof of customer testimonials, which marketing research has shown can have a positive impact on branding and driving sales! By sharing these positive reviews (in a visual format), you’ll inspire your prospective customers. Displaying your existing fans’ appreciation for your products will ultimately serve as an invaluable endorsement.
Tip #4: Provide Inspiration and Education
Many people use Pinterest for finding vacation destinations, recipes, car reviews and everything in between. They’ll also rely on the site for information and inspiration, and that’s where you can take advantage. By cleverly pushing your Shop, you can guide these prospective buyers to make a purchase.
Of course, there’s some things you’ll want to keep in mind. You’ll want to understand what your audience finds inspirational, as this information will provide clarity on what images you should be utilizing. These images can relate to your brand or design ideas, and you can use corresponding content (like a blog post) as leverage.

So, Pinterest isn’t only an exciting new form of media, but it’s also a great platform to promote your brand and Shop. Part two of the blog will focus on more practical and technical aspects of using Pinterest. This can help you make the most of your pins, which will ultimately increase traffic and sales in your Spreadshop.
well so how do I make a other shirt
Well I need help with something that I can’t find
I have a new youtube channel guys!
me too
I always pin every piece of my works, in various medium/products as often as possible. But the problem is not many people seems to see them. Can you guys tell me how to increase the chance for my pins to reach a larger audiences in pinterest?
Hi Harry,
Have you read our second part: ? You might find some more helpful tips there.
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